Dear Family and Friends of St. George,
Some of the first Romanians arrived in Canton around 1907 and in March 1911, twenty-four men voted to establish a parish and initiated a campaign to collect funds to build the original St. George Church on 1855 7th Street NE. As the years went by the original church became too small for the number of members and so on August 4, 1963, another huge event in our parish life took place. Our parishioners came together to witness the laying of the Cornerstone at 144 30th Street, which would become our future home. We are very excited that we will be celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Laying of the Cornerstone on Sunday, July 30, 2023.
To mark this milestone, we are putting together a Commemorative Book and are asking for your continued support by placing an ad in the 60th Anniversary of the Laying of the Cornerstone Album. Our sponsorship opportunities are a great way for you to advertise your business and to express your best wishes, memories and tributes to family and friends.
The book will be 8 1/2 x 11-page size and different contribution levels are being offered to our patrons. You can purchase full page, half page, and quarter page ad space. Business card ads must use a quarter page. Please review the contract and let us know if you have any questions.
To simplify processing, we ask that all submissions with pictures provide a jpeg or a type of picture which can be scanned. Jpegs can be emailed to stgeorgeroc@gmail.com. Please include your name, phone number and email address when submitting your photos.
Your contract and payment need to be mailed or turned into the parish office by Sunday, July 16th, 2023, to give us time to assemble the Commemorative Book.
If you have any questions, please contact V. Rev. Fr. Danial Palanceanu at (702) 843-3126 the parish office at (330) 492-4592 or stgeorgeroc@gmail.com.
A copy of the contract is also available on our website at www.stgeorgecanton.org (under forms).
We thank you for your support!
Yours in Christ,
- Rev. Fr. Daniel Palanceanu
Commemorative Ad Book Chairman